I've been super busy working in the kitchen. With netball training for the upcoming lufbru games its been hectic. Explains the lack of updates. Plus my laptop wire is acting up again..can't switch my laptop on and most of my photos are in there. =S But i've got photos of new cakes i've done recently. :D and I've got another cake project for next week which im excited about, another attempt on making a car.
Anyways i just wanna point out how great it is to see the cupcake scene hitting brunei like a storm. Cupcakes are all the craze worldwide. Its good to see the same scene here in brunei, seeing fellow bakers/decorators offering their talent n creativity is just what we need around here. Shows us bruneians can be just as creative. ;) i guess the idea of having bitesize cakes is rather appealing, no fuss with knives n serving them on plates. Just pick one right up and enjoy~ and its also great to see how much demand there is now for 3D cakes, from cars, football to golf themed, to handbags, flowers and shoes. Its fun really, its like "pimp ur cake". hahaha~
Anyways i had an order to make an architect themed cake, she wanted a cake topped with tools architects use such as rulers, compass, eraser, pencil and blueprints! hehe had fun doing this.
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